About The RV Files

The RV Files is founded on the principle that ideas have consequences. Posted here are my ideas and I hope and pray that they have positive consequences for our nation. As you can read in my first post Opening Volley, I am first and foremost and follower of Jesus Christ. While my political ideology may differ from some of my brothers and sisters in Christ please bear in mind that God's Word is my primary foundation and if we have differences politically or philosophically let us look for common ground in the Gospel.

After my role as Christ follower and husband I am an American patriot. Again, please see the aforementioned post for more on that. However, I will say here that I believe our Founding Fathers put us on the right track with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I also believe that we have strayed considerably from the form of government that they framed and we should seek to return to it. That does not mean that we disenfranchise millions of female or non-white voters and we certainly should not return to the days of slavery. Nothing could be further from my thought process.  I am a believer in maximum freedom and maximum responsibility (no I am not a registered Libertarian).

I am in no way in favor of some kind of violent overthrow of our government and only hold mild conspiracy theory tendencies. We still live in the greatest and most free nation on earth and my only aim is to try and keep it that way. 

I am not a politician or a businessman so read my posts with that in mind. I do, however, have a bachelor's degree in history with a minor in political science so I am not completely unaccustomed to political and historical thought. I also hold a Master's of Divinity so I am somewhat up to speed on theological thought. I do not tell you these things to "toot my own horn" or hope that you will bow to my superior knowledge. I mention them only to lend a small degree of credibility to my writings.

Finally, as you may have seen in my profile information, Romeo Victor is not my real name. If you are familiar with the phonetic alphabet you know that "romeo" = "r" and "victor" = "v" and that is a nickname that I picked up in high school. I am certainly not ashamed of what I believe or what I write, however, in this digital age it is nice to retain some degree of anonymity. This is especially true as it pertains to my family and the personal attacks that are sure to come.

Semper Libertas ( Always Liberty),


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